Monday, March 10, 2014

Penance by Ann Mayburn

I was expecting lots of hot sex, after all it is an Ann Mayburn novel, I was blown away by the emotional rollercoaster that took me for a ride throughout this book. Penance is such a just title for this book. A story where inner loathing and suicidal thoughts meets understanding, unconditional love and finally, forgiveness and acceptance of self.

This book is not for the faint of heart. Michelle and Wyatt deal with serious issues of PSTD and mental illness. Mayburn takes great care to position these characters as heroes, not victims. She also shows the struggle in which they work, both together and separately, to heal. This serves to give hope to all of us that no matter our issues we are worthy of being loved and giving love.

Oh, and there was a lot of hot sex.

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