I covet magazines...Memory Makers, Simple Scrapbooks and my personal favorite Creating Keepsakes. I read them cover to cover. I even take great joy in perusing the ads in the back. I have found some fabulous treasures this way.
I love and collect paper, whether they fit into our lifestyle or not, I like it, I buy it. I know some of you buy as you go, page by page, but that system never worked for me. I never "plan" to scrap, I just do it when the time presents itself, like at 2am. I have all the supplies I could ever need here in my scraproom/office/exist to the backyard/place for my son and his friends to play, which suits me just fine.
One of the things I have discovered, thanks to Christine (more about her next paragraph) is chipboard and grungeboard. While it may sound like things you would never touch, yet alone place into a scrapbook, these heavy cardboard items are now gracing every page.
One of the most fun things I have recently discovered is this fabulously creative woman who lives in Canada (yes, Virginia, there are scrapbookers in Canada!). Christine hosts her won podcast several times a week. Each episode showcases some new tool, fabulous new line of paper or technique she has learned. I love her for doing this. It helps to educate so many of us who do not have time to spend at a scrapbook store, or to watch those crafting shows on TV. She does not get paid to do this, she does not even own a retail store to sell the items she promotes. She is simply a mother who loves to scrap and enjoys sharing the craft with cyberspace. My local scrapbook store may not really like her as I am always asking them to order things for me, but in the end, I am spending a whole lot more scrapping cash since Christine came into my life!
You can download each minutes-long episode, now more than 200 onto your iPod or you can simply logon to her site and watch, or download to your computer.
After you watch a few, please send her an e-mail and let her know how much you appreciate her time and talent. Tell her Melody sent you.
Although I love the elaborate and fancy layouts (scrapbook term for pages) I seldom do them for my own books, as I look at all of my zillions of completed pages, I see a common thread...simple, with lots of journaling detail.
I scrapbook because I enjoy reminding myself of the various trips, activities and happenings of our family, but I also do it to help my son remember all that we have done in his short life of 11 years. I take great joy as he looks at the pages and suddenly remembers something that was once lost in the background of school and skateboarding. I love it when he says "I had a great time there" or "I want to go back there." Somehow I feel as if I am doing my job as a mom, giving him memories for a lifetime.
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