When I became a mother, I sang to my son, by far the most important audience of my life, but when I was quite young I sang in choir, as I got older I continued to sing in high school, church and college choirs. I have sung on stages, in choir robes and in costumes.
I have sung for money. I have sung for free. Mostly, I have sung for me.
When I see others singing in a band, by themselves or in ensemble, I feel so much pride and respect.
My good friend Ken Slavin is that way. He, by trade, is a brilliant pr strategist and media relations expert. His passion, his moment of rapture, begins when he puts on one of his designer suits, with handkerchief in breast pocket, and begins to sing.
He calls himself a 'jazzer,' someone who loves and breathes jazz music. I call him brave and amazing. He has seen his love and is out courting it weekend after weekend.
I love it that some people live their dreams, and that some of us sing ours.
you can hear Ken for yourself: www.kenslavin.com
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